The Gospel
Grace Baptist Church exists because of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is central to who we are and what we do as believers. If you are not a believer and would like to learn more about the gospel please click here.
Sunday Morning Worship
Our time of corporate worship is just that — the people of God corporately gathered to worship our God. At Grace, we take great care in making sure our times of corporate worship are God-glorifying, biblically-sound, and gospel-driven. These three aspects inform everything we do from the moment our corporate worship begins with a Call to Worship to the moment it ends with a Benediction. During that time, our goal is not to elevate man in any way or generate an emotional experience dependent upon our creativity, skills, personality, or technology. Instead, we seek to direct the hearts and minds of those gathered toward our great God, the truths of His Word, and the good news of the gospel. We believe that if we do this faithfully, God is honored and we, as His people, will draw near to Him in heartfelt praise and adoration. It is also our desire to follow the instruction of Colossians 3:16, “Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” This means the music we sing is diverse in style — some songs are hymns (both old and new), some are psalms, and some are new praise songs. Regardless, we strive to ensure that the songs we sing are rich in theology, singable for the entire congregation, and are God-glorifying, biblically sound, gospel-driven songs.
Children in Worship & Childcare
Corporate worship is an opportunity for us to join as one local body to worship God together. At Grace, we are committed to leading the next generation to place their trust in God (Ps 78:1-8). A critical aspect of this is being an intergenerational body of believers where all generations of God’s people gather together to worship and serve the Lord. We believe an indelible impression is made upon our children and youth as they sing shoulder-to-shoulder with adults of all ages. You might call it a local “cloud of witnesses” (Heb 12:1-2) giving testimony to our young people of the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness. So, we want all generations to gather—even if some are a little more rambunctious. We value their presence in our midst.However, we do provide childcare for children who are of birth to preschool age. For more complete information on childcare on Sunday, please read about our Children's Ministry.
Parking at Grace Baptist
Ample parking is provided on all sides of the church building. If you are new to Grace, you can use special reserved parking for guests, located to the left of the main entrance. There are also handicap accessible spaces located immediately in front of the main entrance and on the east and west side of the building. If you require special assistance, please speak with one of the greeters located at the front door under the portico.
More Information about Grace
For more information about what we believe, our leadership, and service times please click the following links: