Sunday School

At Grace we believe that small groups are vitally important to the spiritual life and health of every individual Christian, as well as our church as a whole, and our primary avenue for small groups is through our Sunday School ministry.  Every Sunday morning, from 9:00-10:15, we have a wide variety of classes for all ages in which you can study the Word and fellowship with other believers.

First and foremost, our Sunday School classes are a place for you to study God’s Word.  In order to help you learn the Word, we systematically teach through Scripture and important doctrinal truths to help ensure that our church body is firmly grounded in Scripture.  Second, our classes provide a great way for you to build relationships with other believers.  At Grace we believe that godly fellowship and interaction is a necessary aspect of every Christian’s growth in Christ.  That’s why we have set up Sunday School classes–so you can study God’s Word in a context in which you can deepen your relationships with fellow believers.
Adult Sunday School
In our adult Sunday School ministry, we have classes for couples, men, and women, and these classes are loosely based on age (although we’re not very strict on the age breakdown).  If more than one class fits your age range, we encourage you to try each of them out before you decide on one to regularly attend.  Our classes primarily study through books of the Bible, although we also take time to do studies on marriage, the Gospel, and other issues that are pertinent to living a God-glorifying life.  Our teachers do a great job of explaining the Bible, and there’s always lively discussion about the lesson.

Children's Sunday School
Every Sunday morning, beginning at 9:00 AM, we have Sunday school for all ages of children.  This is our primary teaching time, and during the Sunday school hour the children will learn the truths of Scripture in a setting adapted to their age and ability.  We seek during this time to lay a biblical and theological foundation for the children so that they may have a biblical worldview.  The curriculum in the children’s ministry is part of a unified curriculum which is designed to provide a solid biblical and theological foundation for the children and youth at Grace.  

Youth Sunday School
Our students gather at 9:00 AM each Sunday for a brief time of fellowship, followed by small groups that are broken up according to grade and gender. During these small groups, our goal is to provide students with a solid understanding of what they believe, why they believe it, and how to defend it through the use of a very intentional and focused teaching plan. As with the children’s ministry, the curriculum in the student ministry is part of a unified curriculum which is designed to provide a solid biblical and theological foundation for the children and youth at Grace.